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What is COS Pro?


The brand new COS Pro offers a confluent, cloud-based platform that allows you to manage on-site devices and enjoy a full range of services.
It’s a simple and reliable platform where you can manage your customers’ sites anytime, anywhere. When a device fails, you’ll receive a real-time notification, which allows you to do a quick troubleshooting with your computer or mobile app.

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Device Health Management

• When you are managing your customers’ sites, you can provide them with device health management service. When an error occurs, you will immediately receive a notification on your COS Pro web/app. The system will also help you do a quick troubleshooting by giving proper advice to every problem. You can solve more than 90% of the problems online, thus greatly saving your time and money.
• Device health management has never been this simple and convenient. Errors will become tasks on your web dashboard and mobile app. COS Pro will guide you to solve the issue step by step.

Remote Configuration

• The COS Pro APP allows you to do on-site installation without always bringing a laptop with you.
• You can log in to the device’s web page to do all of the configuration remotely through COS Pro web portal.
• Various devices can be added in the platform and you can add or configure them by batch.

One-for-one Service

Every customer is entrusted to ONE operator, thus receiving a stable and efficient service. You can view the customer’s evaluation about the operator. Moreover, it is also possible to change the operator according to their work situation, the operator’s performance, the customer’s assessment, etc. You will get a clear and visualized result on your employees’ performances, as well as feeling the customer’s trust and loyalty growing on your company.